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Signee Q&A with WR Tyson Turner

Tyson Turner with WR coach Justin "Juice" Johnson
Tyson Turner with WR coach Justin "Juice" Johnson

We caught up with Bryan (TX) High School wide receiver Tyson Turner as part of our signee Q&A series for the class of 2024. We asked him for a few questions as he prepares to make the transition from a Bryan Viking to a Texas Tech Red Raider.


What was the most memorable moment of your HS career?

"My favorite memory was my senior year when we beat Temple for the first time since 2006 because they had been our longest rival. So beating them was an incredible moment for Bryan HS in general."

What was your favorite part of the recruiting process?

"I loved going on different visits to experience all the different environments and cities."

What was the craziest thing any coach said to you in your recruitment?

"That my style of play reminded them of Mike Evans and Julio Jones."

What was the biggest reason you picked Texas Tech?

"I chose Tech mainly because of the coaches and their relationships with all their players beyond the game of football. I felt that it was the place God was calling me to."

What's your favorite Tech uniform combination?

"I love the ice whites, the all-blacks, and the red and black combo."

What number do you want to wear at Tech and why?

"I want to wear number 11 because I've always worn it, and it reminds me of my grandfather (there's a pretty cool story behind it)."

What are your goals for your freshman season and overall in your Tech career?

"I would like to travel with the team and earn a starting spot by the end of the season."

Who would win in a race between all of the 2024 Tech commits?

"I have to be confident and say that I would."

Who is the funniest coach at Tech and do you have any funny story with them?

"I think Coach (Juice) Johnson is definitely one of the funniest coaches."

If you didn't sign with Texas Tech, you would have signed with…

"I couldn't see myself signing anywhere else."

Who are your favorite pro sports teams? (NFL, NBA, MLB, etc)

"For the NFL, it is the Dallas Cowboys, and for MLB, it is the Houston Astros."

What is your favorite movie or show?

"My favorite movies are the Harry Potter series, and I like the Creed movies too."

What's your favorite food or restaurant?

"My favorite restaurants are Wings-N-More and Chick-fil-A, and I like Whataburger, too."

What is the last thing you want to tell Tech fans before you head out to Lubbock?

"This 24 class is different, and we are coming for it all these next few years."
