Published Apr 16, 2020
Signee Q&A with DB Cameron Watts
Billy Watson & Ben Golan
RRS Staff

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We caught up with Northeast Oklahoma A&M defensive back Cameron Watts as he prepares to transition into a Texas Tech Red Raider this coming school year.

What was the most memorable moment of your high school or JUCO career?

“In high school breaking the state record in track with my brothers and for JUCO I would have to say being in the dorms with all my guys at NEO.”

What was your favorite part of the recruiting process?

“My favorite part about the recruiting process would have to be the contact with the coaches and them being genuine.”

What was the craziest thing any coach said to you in your recruitment?

“When coach Wells joked with my friend about a photographer scholarship.”

What was the biggest reason you picked Texas Tech?

“The atmosphere and the environment and the relationship with my family and the respect they showed us the feel of a family.”

What’s your favorite Tech uniform combination?

“Charcoal grey unis.”

What number do you want to wear at Tech and why?

“Number 10 in remembrance of my little brother passing.”

What are your goals for your sophomore season, and overall in your Tech career? 

“My goal would be to become a better, more intelligent man and better everyone else around me. Also to become a better football player with all-around better IQ of the game.”

What is your current height and weight?

“5-foot-10, 185.”

Who is your favorite football player and why?

“Darrelle Revis because no matter the receiver he traveled with the best all across the field and locked them up. He’s a real lockdown corner.”

You can have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, and ask them any questions you might have. Who would you pick?

“My little brother, so that he knows I love him.”

You get one song to play when you’re running out of the tunnel. What song do you pick?

“Nipsey Hussle - Been Down.”

What is your favorite movie?

"Lion King."

Whataburger or In-N-Out?


What is the last thing you want to tell Tech fans before you head out to Lubbock?

“Everyone stay healthy so when it’s time for you guys to see me on TV, everyone can watch me ball and leave a legacy.”

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8 - 5
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6 - 3
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